Left Center Right is an easy-to-learn dice game for multiple players.

You will need to roll the right numbers to win this game!

Find the video tutorial and written explanation for how to play the dice game left center right below.

Left Center Right Tutorial


Three dice; three or more players; three tokens per player


The object of the game is to be the last player still with a token.  Tokens will move around based on the dice numbers rolled.  

For each 4 rolled, a token is passed to the left.  For each 5 rolled, a token is placed into the center.  For each 6 rolled, a token is passed to the right.  

Nothing happens for a 1, 2, or 3 rolled.

Game Play

Players will take turns rolling the dice.  Based on the numbers rolled, tokens may be moved. 

Players will roll a number of dice equal to the number of tokens they have, up to three.  For example, a player with two tokens will roll two dice.

A player with no tokens does not get to roll but is still in the game as a token can still be passed to him/her.


Three variations can be played to finish a game.  

The winner of the game is the last player with a token(s).

The last player with a token(s) has to roll a safe roll of 1s, 2s, or 3s to win. 

The last player with a token is required to roll a 5 to move the last token into the center to win the game.