Qwixx is a wonderful dice game that can be enjoyed by two to five players.

Cross numbers off wisely to win this game!

Find the video tutorial and written explanation for how to play the dice game Qwixx below.

Qwixx Tutorial


Qwixx game; two to five players


Each player is given a score sheet and something to write with. Players will take turns rolling one dice, the first player to roll a 6 will take the first turn in the game.


The object of the game is to score points. Points are scored based on how many numbers you cross out in each colored row during game play. Numbers will get crossed out based on the dice rolled throughout game play.

Players must cross out numbers from left to right in each of the rows. You do not have to cross out the number farthest to the left, but if you skip any numbers, they can no longer be crossed out in the game.

Game Play

The active player (player who's turn it is) will roll all six dice. The active player will announce the total amount on the two white dice. All players in the game have the choice to cross off the announced number, if wanted, on any line of their score sheet. Players are not required to cross off a number at this time.

Next, the active player will get to combine one of the white dice with one colored dice to cross off the matching number in the color line that matches the color dice being used. Only the active player gets to cross off a number using the color dice.

After the current active player crosses a number off, the active player moves clockwise left to the next player.


The non-active players can cross a number matching the combined white dice amount, if wanted, but are not required to. The active player has the option first of crossing out the combined white number, then crossing out a matching number to the combination of one white dice with one color dice. The active player can cross out both numbers, or just one number.

If the active player cannot (or chooses not to) cross out either number, a penalty is taken. The penalty is marked by crossing out one of the penalty boxes on the score sheet.

The non-active players do not get a penalty for not using the combined white dice number.

A row is locked by crossing out the far right number in a row. For red and yellow, it is the 12. For green and blue, it is the 2.

A player is only allowed to cross out the far right number, and lock a row, if they have at least five numbers crossed out in that row. Players that lock a row will also cross out the lock symbol on the score sheet for locking the row.

When a row is locked, no players can cross out a number in that row in future rounds. The matching color dice is removed from the game. It is possible for multiple players to lock the same row on the same turn.

End Game

The game ends immediately when either a player crosses out their fourth penalty box, or two dice have been removed from the game.


Players will use the scoring table below the color rows on the score sheet to calculate their scores. The amount of crossed out numbers, including the lock, for a row are found on the table, and the score indicated is recorded. Players will lose 5 points for each penalty box crossed out.

The player with the most points wins the game!

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